Do they offer International Health Insurance?
Replied on Friday, January 15, 2010 12:00 AM
 tinusugar (Guest)
dear sir, I am from Surat & agent of UNITED INDIA INS CO LTD DO II now its become a agent DO & they had manage MD INDIA TPA for this DO now MD INDIA staff is totally corrupted which Baroda local media as broadcast & Surat local news paper DIV YA BHASKER also made his job,so kindly canceled the licenses of MD INDIA & and do needful.MD INDIA is also making mental harassment to client also,kindly check the matters with concern ins co who had made previous contract with MD INDIA
Replied on Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:00 AM
 nazar (Guest)
sir how to contact your agents
my email
Replied on Saturday, December 4, 2010 12:44 AM
Respected Sir,
I am Mangaldas Ved Having Policy No. 021200/48/09/9700005031 and MD India Id No. MD15-0006533601 operated for my left eye cataract with
IOL Lens on 26th Nov 2010. For these operation I have paid Rs. 30924.75 to Dr. Ramesh C Shah[Ophth.] DOMS.(Mum). I Have Submitted my claim file on 6th Dec 2010 to your office. Now I wanted to k now that when I will get the Refund for the same. This is because I have to operate the cataract
operation of my right eye near about 13th Dec to 15th Dec. Kindly Note that my above policy is expired on 27th Nov 2010. Now my New Policy No.
021200/48/10/97/00004984 which is valid from 28Nov 2010 to 27thNov 2011
Kindly do the needful and Send the Feedback to my Email id: mmv_2679@yahoo.com.
Replied on Saturday, January 15, 2011 11:15 PM
I have paid my premium of two wheeler policy on 10.11.2010. I want policy on my email address rajeshkumar.pipaliya@yahoo.com
My policy no:181201/31/10/01/00002979 and my collection no:181201/81/10/0000004585
Replied on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:54 AM