Who would have ever thought that this could be a problem? Certainly not me! I find myself so consumed with sexual desire that it has become my prison. I'm driving my wife crazy and it's causing a great amount of stress on our marriage. I need HELP!!!! This article has not been very much help except by verifying that my problem is real.
Replied on Saturday, July 31, 2010 7:22 PM
 sjrose901 (Guest)
My husband constantly dreams about talks about sex and encourages me to be with other people which I do not want to do. He dreams about watching me with other people and then proceeds to tell me about it EVERY morning which is a total turn off to me. I have gotten so frustrated that I have consented for him to cheat on me and the few times that I know about have caused me to resent him. I love him or I still would not be with him but I don't know how much more my nerves can take. He views me as being abnormal but I know other married couples do not focus on sex as much as he does. It is driving me crazy!
Replied on Friday, August 6, 2010 6:50 AM