Cure_Endo (Guest)
Thank you for posting this! It is about time someone acknowledged the impact this disease has on all aspects of our lives. I have severe endometriosis with debilitating pain. It took me 10 years before they finally diagnosed me. I have been told that the pain was just "all in my mind". I have been told to just "suck it up" and stop complaining. The list could go on and on. Because of this disease I have lost three jobs, my daughter has had to fend for herself numerous times because I was in too much pain to move and I have lost the man I loved because he couldn't understand the disease. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this. Its like a breath of fresh air, to see that the medical world is becoming more and more aware and that there is research being done to help us and help others understand.
Replied on Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:57 PM