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High Levels Of Fructose And Trans Fats Lead To Liver Disease

High levels of fructose and trans fats could lead to significant fatty liver disease with scar tissue, say researchers with the Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center. ...Read More

Posted on : Thursday, June 24, 2010 1:05 AM
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To the US and the rest of the world; I worked for a corn wet milling company that makes HFCS for 25 years. I have seen every chemical and process that goes into the converting corn starch into corn sugar. If you eat a spoon full of not so tasty corn starch and let your stomach do the rest you would basically get what we produced. To have a dietitian calm that HFCS turns off your feeling of fullness or that someone calm that HFCS has heavy metals in it, IS BULL. But No Matter how many years of clear tests results you have at hand, if someone makes an accusation over and over and over people will just want to believe them. So here is a fact, blame the parents and consumers that demand more and more sugary and salty foods, as the most obvious place to look declining health, but who wants to admit to how much junk we are eating. In 25 years I have seen sodas and snacks and salt intake quadruple. How do you expect to keep your kid thin on a 3500 cal. a day diet with no vitamins or exercise? Sugar cane, beet sugar, fruit sugar and HFCS made from corn, are all basically the same carbohydrate chains. We eat more sugar, starches, and processed food today then ever before and we do it year around. So for any study to focus on only one component as the whole cause is rather absurd and would need a really big smoking gun as proof and it is just not there. In my job I have unloaded the corn, milled it to recover the starch and then refined that into HFCS, then loading out the finished products into trucks, there is no mystery process or mad science in Making HFCS. It is simply breaking corn starch into shorter sugar chains. I drink HFCS sweetened drinks as do most of us and I like most of us buy the biggest drink and not the smallest. After making and using it for 25 years there is nothing about it that I don’t fully trust as being a safe sweetener. It is Not a food group and not meant to be. It is not only bad science but fear mongering to throw out all kinds of allegations against one product with no real evidence to back any of it up. With HFCS there are so many far simpler and more reasoned explanations to explain many of the allegation that HFCS has been accused of and a mouse study being fed 10% HFCS every day is not a smoking gun by any measure. What would happen if 10% of your diet were fried pork rinds?
Replied on Thursday, June 24, 2010 1:05 AM
A movement has begun on Facebook to ban HFCS in the US. This has worried Refiners Association which is right. The research against this sweetener actually comes from Princeton.
Replied on Thursday, June 24, 2010 1:28 PM

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