i was very much unsure how a coffee would enhance a sexual drive...Thanks to FDA for issuing a caution against it.
Replied on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 6:55 AM
 Rbulatao (Guest)
I'm a healthy 26 year old male and my fiance is a healthy 24 year old female. We've been using this product for the last 8 months with no side-effects at all and awesome results. We've given this product to many of our friends and family and they too have liked it with no side effects if any. In fact, I gave some to my father-in-law [we're cool like that]who uses Viagra and he liked the coffee more than the pill.
What the FDA doesn't want to tell you is that they gave us an FDA number a long long time back and that they also leave out the information that they "found" traces of Viagra in an April shipment of our product, but did not want to show us the lab results. Is that not fishy? In my opinion the FDA doesn't want any competition for the big Pharmacy's cash flow. The government is just lying to you... is it really that new of a concept?
Replied on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:01 PM