Nishath (Guest)
It is so easy to manipulate poverty by these unscruplous organisations. Somehow there is no end to rules and regulations but when you work in an organisation for adoptions the loop holes are very visible. I dont understand why they cannot be plugged. Again it takes nothing to register and kick off an organisation and for those who want to defraud it is an easy way while projecting themselves as a service organisation. In India, we have been through worse instances where the child had become irretrievable because the agency had processed the adoption and the child had settled into thier new home. Agencies have been shut down, barred due to these discrpencies. But it is too late. Here each one actually interprets "in the best interest of the child". It is necessary somehow before enlisting an agency as recognised to do adoption, a very tight scrutiny should be undertaken about the intentions, programs, objectives of the organisation, police records of the people in charge, their allies in the field as well as their other projects.
Replied on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 12:00 AM