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Asylum-Seeking Boats Must Be Turned Back – Australian Opposition Leader

Turning more and more aggressive on his conservative plank, Tony Abbott, the new conservative leader of Australia, today vowed to send back boats carrying asylum seekers – though he hurried to qualify his statement by saying that such ruthlessness ...Read More

Posted on : Thursday, December 31, 2009 12:00 AM
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The opposition leader of Australia, Mr. Tony Abbott, is right on both issues, namely border protection and the ETS (Emission Trading Scheme)the government deviously tried to push onto the Australian public. His attitude and his sentiments are widely acclaimed and are supported by the majority of the Australian population. The ETS is nothing but an excessive new tax that will practically do nothing to combat global warming, and the current government's border protection policies are totally ineffective. So-called "asylum seekers", who try to get the sympathy of the Australian taxpayer, but can afford to pay outrageous amounts in the vicinity of $15,000 to people smugglers, should go and place their application for asylum at the Australian embassy where they are now, not illegally attempt queue-jumping. Considering 59 boats have arrived in Australia in 2009, something has to be done. Obviously, as the present government has no solutions for pressing problems, at the next election the opposition must be given the task of bringing Australia onto the right course again.
Replied on Thursday, December 31, 2009 12:00 AM

Nick-You are right on the money.Rudd's lies and spin must be now evident to even
his own supporters.You can fool some of the people-etc.
Bring on the next election and get Rudd and his dead beats out.Brian of Perth.
Replied on Friday, January 1, 2010 12:00 AM

There's nothing devious about Rudds government policies on asylum seekers or the ETS. They won our majority votes on precisely those policies. And the opposition lost because of their inhumane treatment of refugees, and it's corporate view of the environment. My personal opinion is that both governments should quit wasting more money on making it difficult for economic refugees. These people are precisely what Australia wants regarding keenness to get in, keenness to work hard, to be entrepreneurial, keenness to be Australian. You couldn't get more keen suitable immigrants if you tried thru legit methods!
Replied on Friday, January 1, 2010 12:00 AM
satyr_icon, you must be one of the few Australians who have not woken up to the lies and false pretences, that put the arrogant Kevin Rudd and his merry band of incompetent pretenders into power. Rest assured, it won't happen again! But I agree on one thing - The boat people, or illegal queue jumpers, are certainly very keen to get to Australia. They are keen to get here, but for everything Australia offers [social security, medical benefits, life standards], not for what they can offer to our country. Most of them do not even speak English, do not adjust to our way of life, and don't have any desire to integrate into our society. As far as "skills" are concerned, being handy with a Kalashnikov is not really a qualification that would be required in our daily pursuits.
Replied on Friday, January 1, 2010 12:00 AM

As a British/French retiree who currently lives in South East Asia , I would agree with Tony Abbot concerning all these so called refugees/asylum seekers , who are giving problems not only for Australia but a lot of developed countries . As Australia and Europe have found out , these people are often not an asset for the countries , and are more often than not economical refugees , and not of the highest calibre .
Australia has strict laws about immigration , even for retirees [ I should know] , yet they let in unqualified , uneducated and dubious so called refugees . I agree there has to be international agreement concerning this problem
Replied on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:22 AM

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