my daugher s sangeetha 13 yrs old as per kolkata doctors advised taken USG whole abdomen and found uterus : small and infantile, so that they informed it will take to attend age. She is also having thyroid for past 2 years and now result is T4 is 10.31 and tsh is 0.19. Kindly advise. our email id sankrvijivarsha@gmail.com. Please help us.
Replied on Sunday, April 22, 2012 7:47 AM
 saroar (Guest)
I am md.saroar hosain from Bangladesh.
Please tell me about test tube baby.
How much we have to spend for this procedure.
Replied on Friday, September 7, 2012 12:09 PM
Varicocele problem
Replied on Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:10 AM
 spyke (Guest)
Dear Doctor I am Harshini from Sri Lanka ii will be 45 in June 2015. i want to have a baby and would like to consult you for a IVF, i woul appreciate it very much if you could grant me a an early appointment any time in February or March to see you in Chennai. I have obtained some tests pertaining to my fertility and will send them to you when needed. Would appreciate an early response
Replied on Monday, February 16, 2015 11:27 AM