This news item will be very useful to childless couples.It is so exhaustive that many doubts were cleared.Even the cost factor has been given.
Replied on Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:00 AM
 testy (Guest)
we are from sri lanka.. after the period time of my wife [ex. 1st of sep. mensions start]at which date my wife suitable for the test tube baby treatment..please inform to me..
Replied on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 1:41 PM
TO : Dr Kamala Selveraj........,
We are from sri lanka, I'm 32 years old, I have done 2 operations for ECTOPIC PREGNANCY and my 2 Fallopian tubes are damaged now.Therefore we decide to go to make a test-tube baby. We wand to meet Dr: Kamala Selveraj and pls inform us to how meet she [Her E-mail address and Telephone numbers] and could you pls let we know cost for to make test tube baby..... pls send reply to my private E-mail address.
Replied on Friday, September 9, 2011 8:10 PM
You can get contact details from this link.
GG Hospital
6-E, Nungambakkam High Road,
Chennai- 600 034.
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone : 91- 044 - 28272460, 28277563, 28277694
91- 044 - 28233160, 28271319, 28277434
Telefax : 91- 044 - 28277147, 28277423
Replied on Monday, September 12, 2011 1:51 AM
 sirinfathima (Guest)
hi dr.i m sirin.i m 24 yrs old. i have pcod from last 5 yrs.i get married past 1 year.i consult with dr.my dr advice to take harmone test.test results gives imbalancing tyroid and another harmone[i don't know another name of harmone].dr gives eltroxin for thyroid.bromocriptine mesylate for another harmone.dr says,pcod is surroundings outside of my uterus.uterus is in normal size.last month dr scanning my follicle improvements.follicle improves 14 point.dr adviced if i will take continuous treatment,i will possible to conceive.so,can i conceive?please inform to my personal
Replied on Sunday, January 8, 2012 2:21 PM
 John555 (Guest)
I am a Bangladeshi lady now staying in Sultanate of oman. now i am 34 yrs old and we married for last 16 yrs, we have no child, many madical treatment was done in Bangladesh but no result came, now we want a child with IVF procedure, for this want to contact with doctors at G G Hospital, Chennai, india. How can i get contact with her and get an appointmet date.
Replied on Thursday, March 8, 2012 8:19 AM