mrrich (Guest)
20 April 2009 Cape High Court interdicts the police and city police to stop harassing sex workers.
Judge Fourie today handed down his judgment in this groundbreaking case brought before the High Court on behalf of sex workers by SWEAT. The police and city police in the Cape Metropole area are interdicted against arresting sex workers while knowing that sex workers will not be charged or prosecuted. According to SWEAT Advocacy Officer, Vivienne Lalu this judgment heralds a major victory in the fight for human rights for sex workers. ‘Sex workers will now have better access to the criminal justice system’, Lalu says.
According to Lalu, this is not only a victory for sex workers. Other vulnerable groups like informal traders, street children and homeless people that often report similar actions from the police will now hopefully have their complaints taken in a serious light. ‘It is important that law enforcement officers understand that they cannot operate above the law’, Lalu says.
SWEAT will continue to have discussions with their lawyers and with sex workers to ensure that this interdict brings relief to sex workers on the ground.
Replied on Monday, April 20, 2009 12:00 AM