Jedbrown82 (Guest)
For me the circumstance raises a lot of questions pertaining to where ethical lines ought to be drawn when changing what one is born into this world with. On one hand, if one is born into the world with a curable disease, it is a common and excepted norm for treatment to be given. Some where on the other side of the spectrum is the change one's make up according to their sexual identity.
The line that stuck out to me is the quote from the psychologist saying that they were a girl stuck in a boys body. I would be interested in seeing more information about how that conclusion was drawn. Either way, even with gene therapy, the dna of the teenager is still that of a boy.
Replied on Monday, February 9, 2009 12:00 AM
holycow (Guest)
The statement that anyone is trapped in the body of the opposite sex is ridiculous. This is a mental disorder. Even after having a sex change operation if the bones of this person were dug up hundreds of year from now they would still be identified as their original sex. I know this statement is seemingly politically incorrect but I am tired of seeing mental illness written off as "normal". This is what's wrong with the world. The attitude of " If I can say or do something, then it is so." I am tired of the liberal media writing off mental illness as "normal" and the medical community performing quetionable treatment just to see if it can be done.
Replied on Monday, February 9, 2009 12:00 AM
petepete (Guest)
"The statement that anyone is trapped in the body of the opposite sex is ridiculous. This is a mental disorder." No. The knowledge about intersex conditions shows that not only a penis is the only sex-detrmining factor, the brain is a sex-organ too. Cause the brain is the most important organ of a human it is possible that a girl is born with a penis and gonads. (Sometimes it would be good if doctors would use this most important organ)...But, by the way, the German doctor on wich the qutoe referres to never believed that transsexual girls are girls - he talked in an interview in 2008: "you see... this child has a penis, so it isn't a girl".
Replied on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 12:00 AM