blue22 (Guest)
My mother has just been diagnosed with non Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is an active 78 year old, never smoked, practically teetotal who has always looked after herself. OK I know cancer can be a cruel and random disease but something just didn't add up about her succumbing to this disease. It has always bothered me that she has been taking the drug methotrexate for about 5 years now and she has been called back numerous times about 'dodgy' blood tests related specifically to taking this drug. Reading this article today about a possible link between the drug and cancer has made me weep. Anyone else out there with a similar story?
Replied on Sunday, February 22, 2009 12:00 AM
I have RA and I have been on enbrel and methotrexate since 2006. I was just recently diagnosed with melanoma. What I don't understand is why the Rheumatologist doesn't suggest to the patient to get a yearly skin cancer screening. Plus when you visit the dermatologist they ask you what medications you are on but they forget to mention that you are at high risk for skin cancer. I went last year to get a mole checked out and two bumps on my leg. I was a new patient at this office they did not give me a full exam. One year later I went to check out another mole and if I didn't ask how she keeps track of my moles she would have just only checked this one mole. Two weeks later I got the diagnosis of melanoma. So anyone reading this and has RA please go get a skin cancer screening. Make sure they check your entire body. It could save your life.
Replied on Sunday, November 8, 2009 12:00 AM