Excellent and present youth
damages their health starting with soft drinks,cigarets,gutka,alchahol.
I wondered to get 100g mustered seeds I walked a 1Km in AGRA and get. But hundreads of pan shops on the way selling gutka panparag cigertes and so many liqour shops also on the way. I thinking youth going into health troubles largely in the nearfuture.
The same situation will happen all over India if it not controlled.
Replied on Monday, December 17, 2007 12:00 AM
Aspartame is 11 % methanol, which the body quickly makes into formaldehyde and formic acid.
Six cans of diet soda give the same amount of methanol, over 100 mg, that is in a liter of wine -- enough to cause headache and other hangover symptoms in many people.
Replied on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 12:00 AM
Adatoode (Guest)
What is really funny and quite scientific, but on another level completely... is that the misguided fools who quit smoking and substituted cigarettes with bragging of how they quit, sit and drink bottle after bottle of a soft drink, and count for a third of the obese people in this country. And on another perspective, the same people sit in a bar and drink until they can barely walk, then get into a car and drive drunk....then shake their fingers and their heads when one of them gets arrested for DWI.... LOL ....
Replied on Saturday, May 29, 2010 2:19 PM