I'm working in a private institution and I'm expecting my baby in August 2010. Our maternity leave policy of 1 month with pay and 2months without pay. Am I eligible for 6 months maternity leave with pay?
Replied on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 4:13 AM
 prajakta2411 (Guest)
hi i am working with HDFC BANK[DMAT account] through the another angency.
that angency pay my salary. now i am on maternity leave. but they told me that i can't get salary of maternity leave becos u have not esic membership. please advice.
Replied on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 5:28 AM
 sowji (Guest)
I am working in a Pvt Limited company.want to know from when 6 months maternity leave will come in to effect
Replied on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 2:11 AM
 binupriya (Guest)
am working with a pvt company as a office assistant. i gave birth to a baby on december 2010. will esic give me the six months leave and payment for me?
Replied on Monday, March 28, 2011 1:15 AM
 4you.yogesh (Guest)
Request you to kindly approve six month maternity leave for all the women's from private company, as breastfeeding is necessary for a child’s health in the first six months.
Request you to please approve the maternity rule of govt.employees, to Private companies too as all the children are equal and all Mom need to be with child for Six months which is necessary and mandatory. Finally all Moms are Moms whether it is private or Govt. company.
Kindly considered and make the notification applicable for Private companies before November,11 so that all mom can make thier child helath and strong.
All Moms
Replied on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 5:25 AM
yes you are absolutely right...there should not be any discrimination in this. Its not good that women has to sacrifice between child care and Job because of such weird laws in Private sectors
Replied on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 4:04 AM