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Mother Delivers Babies Minutes Apart but They are Not Twins!

Although Ame and Lia Herrity were born just minutes apart to their mother, the two girl babies are not twins....Read More

Posted on : Monday, October 1, 2007 12:00 AM
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I had this type of twins in 1962. Two girls, conceived 3 wks apart and weighing 6lbs 2 0z and 7lbs 10 Ozs at birth. The larger one peeled from head to toe and the smaller was at full gestation. They developed normally and have families of their own now. Enjoy your babies, it goes by fast!
Replied on Thursday, September 4, 2008 12:00 AM
Would love to touch bases with you! Could you please email me? Thank you
Replied on Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:00 AM
39 years ago I gave birth to a boy and then to a "surprise" girl. My doctor was basically shocked as he had never heard 2 heart beats and my total wgt gain was only 23 lbs. He estimated that they were up to 4 wks apart in conception! I would love to be in touch with someone else who experienced this "wonder" Mystery!!!!!!
Replied on Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:00 AM

I am actually the oldest of a set of Superfetation twins. My younger twin sister is two weeks younger then myself. When we were born we were delivered naturally, but with out knowing I actually saved my sisters life. She came out breach and could have died if I was not born first. The doctors noticed the entire way through my mothers pregnancy that the babies [myself and my twin sister] were developing at a rate approximately two weeks apart. I was born full term, my sister two weeks prem. She has not developed any health issues except that she never developed any enamel on some of her adult teeth due to her premature delivery. I weighed 6 pounds four ounces, my sister was only 4 pounds six ounces. So if anyone would like to get in touch with me reply to this message and then we can get in contact by Email.
Replied on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:45 AM

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