cancer12 (Guest)
i admire her for being brave enough to combat all the burdens and social consequences of living a life that she dreamed of eversince she was a child. i myself also dreamed of to be a wife to loving man and a mother to wonderful children, and this is what i am trying to find, but actually it is one of the hardest thing thing to find especially among transsexuals. I am roa, i am student in the university of the philippines, i also experienced acts of discrimination especially from the my superiors, and i dont know why, despite the openness and awareness with regards to social realities my university inculcated to the minds of her student and alumni, it is very upsetting to think that there gender discrimination exists... again i salute transsexuals like leona, for giving me such inspiration to fight for my dreams, i just wish that someday, i will be happy just like how happy i am in my dreams.
Replied on Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:00 AM