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Rare Case Of Prosopamnesia Intriguing Scientists

A research published in Current Biology tackles a case study where the subject is unable to remember new faces....Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, July 24, 2007 12:00 AM
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I think I have this. Who would I speak to, to find out? I do not have a problem perceiving faces, it's just when I meet that person again, I more often than not do not remember them. Once I am reminded, it all comes rushing back, though (more the memory of their personality than associating the name with the face). A friend of nearly a year spoke to me yesterday, and she had changed her hairstyle. I didn't recognise her! Similarly, I was sat next to a different friend for over an hour, and did not realise it was her until she wrote her name on the register.

I have this problem all the time, and it's really embarrassing! I have felt very awkward when people have said 'long time no see!', and I've been all.. yeh.. you too.. with no idea who they are!

(I am 21 with no other learning problems)
Replied on Saturday, May 9, 2009 12:00 AM

I believe I may have a form of this disorder [it is most likely caused by a head injury - a head on collision some years ago where I was thrown head first through the windshield]. Sometimes while shopping I have to remember what color shirt my husband is wearing to find him and I almost never recognize casual acquaintances or customers (I remember people who I have been in repeated contact). I wonder if this may be more common than presently believed...
Replied on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 10:39 AM

I believe I may have a form of this as well. I do not have trouble with perceiving faces [prosopagnosia], or recognizing people new or old in my life, but when I am not looking at someone's face I cannot bring their image into my mind's eye. I am unable to remember anyone's face no matter how long I've known them. I wonder if this actually prosopamnesia or something else entirely.
Replied on Sunday, May 1, 2011 7:10 PM

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