Britney's coming out of a very stressful time in her life and is just letting it all out. If this means she's acting out, then that's what she's doing. To blame this on her parents clearly isn't the right thing to do, but I can understand. She's pushing everyone away right now which she shouldn't be doing, but in time I think she'll grow up and see her mistakes. She had to "grow up" so fast because of her career that now she's going through the her childish stage. She's not doing things in a regulr order and that's what's getting to people.
Replied on Monday, April 23, 2007 12:00 AM
Regardless of your past, or where you seem to be now, the fact is that when you are a parent, you are responsible for raising another person. Partying excessively or reckless behavior is a terrible example to your children. Britney made her choices, stardom, marriage, children, and inappropriate public displays. She is responsible for her behavior and the consequences. Her public rants are degrading to the general public and the fact is she would be nowhere if the general public didn't buy her music and her image. So I say, get help and get over it! We all make mistakes, learn from them and don't make them again!
Replied on Monday, April 23, 2007 12:00 AM
Britney is running around like she is invincible, guess what time catches up to u my husband was 36 years old and was out partying while i was taking care of the children, guess what he is dead. Britney is just giving K-Fed the keys to the kingdom and the children, she is a mother who should be responsible, and focus on them, blaming her parents wait til they die unexpectedly how is she going to feel then? Grow up take responsibilty for the children u brought into this world, Take a clue from BradGelina, High Class, Britney White Trash!
Replied on Monday, April 23, 2007 12:00 AM
It's a shame she gets as much coverage as she does when there are far more invididuals suffering from circumstances beyond their control. Stories like this illustrates how Ms. Spears is a spoiled brat who lacks any moral values and who possesses little intelligence.
Replied on Monday, April 23, 2007 12:00 AM
Personally, I don't give a darn about Britney, but to blame parents is childish. Isn't she supposed to be an adult and responsible for her own actions. If not, then someone, please, save her children from her!!
Replied on Monday, April 23, 2007 12:00 AM