All Gadgets and no play? That's a load of excretion*. My parents, having taken away television, limiting internet access, and having snatched the X-Box cord found this new strategy working...until I was bombarded with homework. It began well without electronics, but there was no time for play. So while we are waken up early, which may create sleep disorders later in life, and are scolded by teachers, we arre only encouraged to be more "perfect". Perfect in the fact that if we can't keep up our physical stamina we fail, though no time for play. Perfect in the fact that if we make stupid mistakes, we are vigorously force-fed the information which may be swallowed without chewing. And much of the time when you swallow without chewing, you choke on something thats to big to process in one going. The "gizmos" aren't to fault. Lack of moderation in the amount of work instilled unto us is. a moderator in a class once a week is a thought. But I have very limited choices to opt for. Don't blame us
Replied on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:00 AM