Hi,My name is M.Ehsan and i live in Pakistan.my younger brother (17 years) had been prescribed BECKER MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY.We were told that there is no treatment for this disease all over the world.His case history is as under
- No Family History(No one in family had MD before )
- Diagnosed 3 years before.
- Age 17 years
- He can walk, but feel difficulty in walking and climbing stairs.
- Sometime fell on ground while walking and then put both his hands on his knees and then gets up with difficulty.
- His blood C.P.K is 4000.(checked two months ago
Now i read about your research in MD so i find a hope and tried to contact you.Can you help us in this regard?
Somehow if we can cure this disease, OR reduce his rate of weakness and muscle destruction. OR anything that can help to make his life Normal.
We can come to you Hospital/Clinic, if you think it can help in treatment.
Kindly help us in this regard, we would be very thankful to you for this kind response and help.
Anxiously waiting for your reply.
Replied on Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:00 AM