Now we are trying to develope the strategy to comabta bird flu in human with passive immunization using IgY specific against H5N1 virus. IgY is produced in yolk egg, by injecting the layer chickens with approriate vaccine (reverse genetic vaccine H5N1, local isolate). We believe that before the AI vaccine is found, the passive immunization is reliable alternative and we can do it right now.
Replied on Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:00 AM
We have the same results about the present of avian influenza virus in very healthy birds (ducks, geese as well as chickens)using RT-PCR technique, without the birds showed specific antibody in their sera (blood). This clearly indicated the role of birds (back yard farm, especially water fowls) as significant reservoir of the AIV. The results wer done in Kalimantan and Sumatera Indonesia by the Faculty of veterinary Medicine, IPB Bogor, Indonesia
Replied on Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:00 AM
Our Avian Influenza Research Team in IPB Bogor Indonesia succeed to identify the presence of AIV among wild cats catched from wet market around Bogor. But no virus can be detected in domestic cats. This research is still progress in order to find out the source of infection of avian flu in human. Until now, the information about this is still very limitted. The role of mammals such as cats, dogs as well as pigs as sources of AI infection to human must be studied in high priority.
Replied on Monday, May 22, 2006 12:00 AM