 CancerPatient (Guest)
I have to update you on the current treatments with breast cancer. I am a North American breast cancer patient and I can assure you treatment has changed greatly in the last 10 years and there is now usually a very good prognosis. Most women now eventually die of something else, other than their breast cancer. So it is no longer a "deadly disease" as long as it can be detected and treated in time. There are many effective treatments: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, and monoclonal antibody therapy. So your article does not give the true picture for at least the urban women in India. Women have the right to know about and ask for these treatments. Carolyn
Replied on Thursday, February 4, 2010 12:00 AM
i'm sorry to tell you, Ms Carolyn, that the scenario is totally different from yours for an average indian woman, with breast cancer. They present at very advanced stages- stage 3 and beyond, if at all they present. diagnostic and treatment facilities are few and far between, and even if accessible, it is not affordable for majority of them. sure, there is a minute fraction of the indian women who has access to and can afford the latest treatment options, but we are talking about the rest of them, who happen to die of a potentially curable dsease, and the health disparities that creat this gap between your world and ours.
- arifakc@gmail.com
Replied on Monday, September 13, 2010 11:53 PM
im sashank a medical student from andhra pradesh india..and we had a small but interested team of students who are very much willing to give what all they can to screen at least a population of 10000 for breast cancer...it would be very helpful if somebody could tel us where we can get a mobile mammography machine[as it cannot be possible to get the entire study population to the college and we dont have a mobile mammography machine of our own over here] or it would also be gr8 if u can inform us about the sources where we can get it from..or ny new methods other than mammography by which breast cancer would be screened . it would be a great help to a large group of population so plz do inform..
Replied on Friday, July 23, 2010 11:26 AM
 blondebutcleva (Guest)
look at
roko is charity working to raise awareness and prevent cancer through early detection. they have mobile units that travel around india [especially rural parts] to educate women about self breast examination and provide free mamogram examinations where needed.
Look at the website, see what you think and do not hesitate to contact us should you want to be a part of our projects.
Replied on Friday, April 1, 2011 6:19 AM
 shuge (Guest)
can i know what is the prevalence of breast cancer in India?
Replied on Friday, October 8, 2010 11:41 AM
 karmdata (Guest)
All the viewers of this website note.
I am a clinical psychologist with enormours interest about what we put in our mouth. I am based in Canada. I do varacious reading about the recent findings on cancer and its risk factors. Time and again, it has come to light that diet plays a more significant role in development of many types of cancers. The diet high in saturated fat and low in fruits and vegetables influence the developement of various cancers. whereas, the diet high in fiber and complex carbohydrates but low in sugar and salt tend to protect from many cancers. The "NURTRITION TRANSISTION" presently taking place in India, China and other developing countries is the major cause in the increase number of cancers. Doctors and epidemiologists shirk their reponsibilities by saying that aging population is to blame but they do not understand that diet and life style are the major factors in rapid rise of western style of diseases.
Women who eat lot of fat laden food, less cereals, pulses, tend to suffer from high chances of developing breast cancer. We have to be little bit careful in pointing out that the baby boomers and aging population are the reason for more cases of cancers in the world today. The other reason often cited by authorities is the improved and more modern technology and equipments helping in frequent diagnoses of cancer cases.
But there are few realistic and practical healthcare workers on this planet who put more emphasis on our lifestyle changes and nutrition. The cases of cancers are increasing because more and more asian men and women swithcing to western style nutrition and diet. The widespread use of pops, cocacolas, energy drinks, fat and sugar laden diets, high salt contents of french fries, and low intake of fruits and vegetables increasing development of various forms of cancers in the general population.
The time is ripe to go back to fundamentals of healthy eating and living which will definately help in prevention of degenerative dieseases.
Replied on Saturday, October 9, 2010 2:22 AM
 rx_chetan (Guest)
what is the statistics of breast cancer incidences diagnosed and death reported due to breast cancer in India 2009-2010. and how it differs from over last decade. as per figures? Kindly reply me on my mail id: rx_chetan00@gmail.com
Replied on Sunday, December 26, 2010 9:22 PM