I understand the grief of the family. However, there are risks taking or not taking any medication. Some people are allergic to whatever..peanuts/ bee stings...Sativex does not make one "high" but it does relieve pain..
Replied on Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:00 AM
If they would turn loose the real marijuna no one would die. Alcohol is terrible and it is allowed. Of course, it will take the big drug companies to ever legalize it-whoever has the money and clout. Under Roe V. Wade anyone should be allowed to put in their body what they choose if they can murder a tiny human living inside it.
Replied on Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:00 AM
The FDA doesn't test whether new drugs are better than existing ones on the market, it only tests whether they meet the manufacturers’ claims and they’re within specified levels of safety.
So why does EVERY prohibitionist say "there's better drugs out there"??? That isn't what the FDA tests! If the FDA doesn't test other drugs to see if they're better than what’s currently available then why should marijuana be forced to meet this standard?
Marijuana is a GREAT drug for some things, and unbelievably safe! That'd be enough to allow other drugs to pass the FDA's testing, so why isn't enough to allow marijuana to pass???
The Government needs to send marijuana back to the FDA, and get them to test it right this time!
Replied on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:00 AM
Other than the fact that the lady here who had diabetes who was elderly who could have died at any time because of this [like my grandmother did god rest her soul] had stopped taking the Sativex nearly 6 months earlier would suggest not connection and further more maybe the use of Synthetic Cannabanoids and THC is never going to be as safe or as good as the real thing.
Replied on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 10:29 PM