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Experimental Drug and Advanced Intensive Care Saves Ugandan Physician

An Ugandan physician with Ebola who had been airlifted from Sierra Leone has been saved by a team of German doctors on Friday using an experimental drug together with advanced intensive care.

A prototype drug called FX06, designed to stop ...Read More

Posted on : Sunday, December 21, 2014 5:39 AM
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The article fails to mention that Dr. Mawanda was also treated with Aethlon's Hemopurifier, which Time magazine said is one of the greatest inventions in 2014. On the 11th day of his treatment, when Dr. Mawanda was suffering multiple organ failure and had hundreds of millions of copies of the ebola virus in his blood, the Aethlon's Hemopurifier captured 242 million copies; 99% of what was there, in 6.5 hours of treatment. Before treatment with Aethlon’s Hemopurifier, the patient had 400,000 virus particles per milliliter of blood. After the dialysis, which lasted about six and a half hours, the “viral load” dropped to 1,000 per milliliter and never rose above that level again, said Dr. Helmut Geiger. He is chief of nephrology at Frankfurt University Hospital in Germany, where the patient received his Ebola care. Dr. Geiger personally presented this information before 13000 medical professionals and peers at the Society of Nephrology Conference in Philadelphia in November. All of this information is easily accessible on the internet. I mourn the passing of Dr. Willoughby, Sierra Leones most leading and senior Dr. He is the 11th Dr. to succumb to Ebola in Sierra Leone. Dr. Mawanda is the only Dr. who worked there who got EVD and recovered. I pray frequently for the African nations at the center of this epidemic. No nation on this planet could deal with what they deal with day in day out month in month out for over a year today.
Replied on Sunday, December 21, 2014 5:39 AM

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