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HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Limited

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Ltd is 74:26 joint venture between two organizations -HDFC Ltd, India�s premier Housing Finance Institution and ERGO International AG, a primary insurance entity of Munich Re Group. Its headquarters are located at Mumbai. By focusing ...Read More

Posted on : Thursday, August 30, 2012 10:54 AM
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Unethical and Irresponsible HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited, I called up their customer care 2 renew my car insurance only 2 inform that policy has been canceled in Nov 2011 due to Check dishonor. I have bank statement with details of successful bank transaction. This is sheer irresponsibility on their part and unethical practice. Because their irresponsible behavior i am running my car without any insurance for 10-11 months. The money has been debited from account on 6th Sept and these guys canceled the policy in Nov. How is it possible that HDFC Ergo continue to sleep on the check for two months. Even after paying Rs. 19k i am uninsured.
Replied on Thursday, August 30, 2012 10:54 AM

I have good experience with HDFC ERGO General insurance Comapny Limited, I purchased the HDFC ERGO health suaksha cashless plan for 2 years and after 6 months I admitted to hospital. With their cashless health insurance plan, I did not need to pay that much amount. They covered all hospitalization expenses and provided me the best service. All was settled down with ease.
Replied on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 6:22 AM
Excellent Service of HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited. My sister got the HDFC ERGO cashless health insurance policy from her office, She has some problem with her ear due to which minor operation was done. We have just informed the hospital that we have the insurance after on words they contracted with an insurance company and got the all the amount of operation and other hospitalization cost without any hassles. I am pleased with HDFC ERGO claim process.
Replied on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:05 AM

HDFC ERGO helped me in an hour of need. I bought a health insurance policy by HDFC ERGO 2years back. In April 2014, I had an heart attack, my entire family was in trouble as I was the only one earner in the family. I was hospitalized for about 20 days which costs about 2.4 lakhs approx. All the medical bills along with ambulance charge were paid through the insurance company. I highly feeled great for buying policy from HDFC ERGO. They saved my life by providing cashless mediclaim service. They are best in providing insurance service.
Replied on Monday, March 9, 2015 7:37 AM
I opted a health insurance policy by HDFC ERGO in 2013. Every time claim settlement was easily done. I am very happy with their customer support service. They assisted me very well in an hour of need and helped me in paying medical treatment costs. All the cost was beared by HDFC ERGO. You can trust upon them.
Replied on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:55 AM

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