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Health Insurance For Pre-Existing Conditions

These days people are worried about getting a health insurance plan for pre-existing conditions. They are under the impression that if they are suffering from a pre-existing condition like diabetes or heart disease, then the insurance company will not cover them. ...Read More

Posted on : Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:04 PM
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I am pre-diabetic. I have lost weignt and reduced my blood sugar level which still remains in the pre-diabetic range. I have never been diabetic. Am I correct in not reporting this as a pre-existing medical condition?
Replied on Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:04 PM
This is a nice article but pls point to the insurance companies or plans which are good group health insurance and provide pre-existing disease coverage for parents.
Replied on Saturday, September 8, 2012 1:23 PM
Total Insurance Adviser about all insurance Companies avail on 1800113538
Replied on Thursday, January 24, 2013 3:53 AM
I suffered from Colon Cancer in December 2007. I was covered for Rs.5 lacs with New India Insurance Mediclaim policy and my term was June 15th. My next premium was due in June 2008. I underwent surgery on December 22nd at Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai followed by chemo therapy from January 2008 till September 2008. All my expenses, almost fully utilising the entire Rs.5 lacs till 15th June 2008, were reimbursed. I renewed my policy in June 2008 but did not have to pay a very high premium - in 2007 it cost me Rs.11000/- [it was family cover including my wife(60] and daughter (21)and in 2008 it went up to Rs.18000/-. Then in 2009 also I was asked to pay about Rs.40,000/- and I refused and took a transfer to United India Insurance where I paid Rs.37000/- for renewal. In 2010 I had metastasis of liver, so I underwent another surgery in October. My premium had gone up from 38000/- to about 40,000/- or around so in June 2010. This increase was due to loading because I had claims. In October the cost of my liver surgery was Rs.5.5 lacs which I put in for claim. To my utter dismay the reimbursement was Rs.3.15 lacs only. They said my age was above 60 so there was 10% deduction on final sanctioned claim amount. And since this was second cancer surgery the claim was cut down to 70%. 70% of 5 lacs was 3.5 lac, followed by 10% deduction because I crossed 60 years therewas 10% cut on Rs.3.5 lacs. So I was delivered a cheque of Rs.3.15 lacs. I thought this was a fraud because when you insure anyone for some prefixed money and then the claim matches or exceeds the cover you should get refund upto the full coverage amount. But that is not the case. In India we have to accept whatever they hand out to us. They will have many clauses and sub clauses under their sleeves which they do not show to you when they receive the money. But when you go to take back your due demand they treat you like they treated Baba Ramdev. Who can fight the system that is bent upon causing you harm? We cannot call a cheat a cheat because there are better words and I need to search for them. It is hard particularly when your blood is boiling.
Replied on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 6:22 AM
My father in law is suffering from cirrhosis of liver and we wish to travel European is there a policy which will cover him of his problem
Replied on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 3:56 PM

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