 wgwgw (Guest)
your silly
Replied on Saturday, May 14, 2011 10:28 PM
 geornitra21 (Guest)
Replied on Thursday, March 15, 2012 7:21 AM
 TheThinkTank (Guest)
I learned that no matter what school I went to, there will always be a bully.
I learned how to stand up for myself.
I learned there was something in MY OWN BEHAVIOR that made me a target.
I also:
Grew up
learned when to hold 'em; when to fold 'em
became more confident
understood opposition
understood my strengths
After being bullied for so long by so many, I learned how to turn my outward appearance into something that reflected my inner peace. And since then, I have had very few problems.
I fear that too many people will focus on the few freak stories about suicides and such, and not see the truth. The truth is, guardians can help kids deal with bullying. Ultimately, they will learn that all change comes from within. Banning something you don't know how to deal with is stupid and eventually our society will paint us into a corner of bans and all sorts of loss of creative solutions and mind power.
It is sad and terrible that some children felt they couldn't talk to anyone the whole time they were being bullied and then lashed out right before taking their life. But, there is a much larger problem behind that, and forcing teachers to act as police is not a good way of going about solving problems that need to be dealt with on individual bases.
Replied on Sunday, May 12, 2013 10:45 PM
Helene Guldberg, associate lecturer:
I would sure like to know of what you base this suggestion on. In view of Olweus, D. [1993]. and 40 years of research, I find it hard to understand why you make a suggestion of no more worth then a year old weather report for Mars.
Replied on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 3:43 PM