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7 Year-old Undergoes Plastic Surgery to Escape Bullying

A 7-year-old girl from South Dakota underwent a ear pinning plastic surgery called otoplasty, to improve the looks of her ear, its position and size.

The girls mother said that her daughter was at the receiving end of jokes and bullying on ...Read More

Posted on : Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:52 AM
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Bullying is common nowadays. The government, school officials, parents, etc. should do something against this. I think bullies just need attention that's why they terrorize other children.
Replied on Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:52 AM
I would have done the same for my child, but we need to empower our children and help them build a positive self image so they don't become victims to bullying. A confident child is a deterrent for the bully's. They pray on those children they know can easily be shaken. We have to help our children by empowering them and helping them to develop a positive self image... It starts at home!
Replied on Sunday, April 17, 2011 8:19 AM

My Pediatrician recommended this procedure for my daughter when she was maybe three years old. Unfortunately, we did not follow his advice, which caused many years of my daughter being called names and teased by other children. When she was fourteen she had an otoplasty. Prior to her surgery, she met with a psychologist who helped her work through her concerns. On a slightly different note, when babies are born their cartilage is still soft and pliable. As I understand maternal infant physiology/anatomy it is a residual effect from the hormones that soften a mothers cartilage to facilitate the birthing process. So, a soft headband that is not to tight, that holds the ears back gently [during waking supervised hours, NEVER when sleeping] may help ears grow closer to the head for infants that have protruding ears. For my daughter at birth this was the case and I wish I had known this method, which possibly could have prevented the need for surgery.
Replied on Sunday, April 17, 2011 12:21 PM
Ear pinning and reshaping surgery provides both physical and psychological benefits for patients. Suddenly, the staring and teasing stops, and people are finally able to notice the person rather than focus on their unusual ears. If your child is young, surgeon may recommend general anesthesia, so the child will be sleeping throughout the operation. For older children or adults, surgeon may prefer to use local anesthesia, combined with a sedative. http://www.esteemstudio.com.au
Replied on Monday, April 18, 2011 10:40 PM

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