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Cancers :
Gastric Cancer / Cancer Of The Stomach

Gastric cancer (cancer of the stomach) is most often found in people over age 55. Statistics have shown that men are more susceptible than women, and black more than whites. In India, approximately 24,000 new cases of gastric cancer are diagnosed each year and about 700,000 new cases diagnosed worldwide. 

Medindia’s support group hosts additional information on this form of cancer, its prognosis and treatment options.


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Gastric Cancer / Cancer Of The Stomach

The stomach is part of the digestive system. It is located in the upper abdomen, under the ribs on the left side. The upper part of the stomach connects to the esophagus, and the lower part leads into the small intestine.The stomach is shaped like the letter J. Nearby the stomach...Read More

Posted on : Monday, September 28, 2009 12:00 AM
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what is hyperacidity what medecation should be taken
Replied on Monday, September 28, 2009 12:00 AM

I've got stomach pain and spoken to my neighbour whose a nurse.
She mentioned that it could be gastric. My pain stretched all the way to my back. Could someone advise me on this condition.
Replied on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:00 AM
Hope you consulted a doc! Cancer Cure
Replied on Monday, June 27, 2011 12:27 PM
Stomach cancers are also known as gastric cancers. The main treatment for stomach cancer is surgery. Early stomach cancers often have no symptoms. Serious symptoms that might indicate a life-threatening condition.
Replied on Monday, June 27, 2011 12:28 PM
Dear Sirs,
My father [75 years old] was brought in hospital due to bleeding . After examination it was found last stage (4th stage) of stomach cancer.Metastasis were found in liver.Doctor offered local surgery in order to stop bleeding. We understand that such operation will not change anything. Can you advise what is better: to accept surgery or to take father from hospital if second variant what pharmacy can you recommend in order to prolong and ease my father's live.
Your advise will be highly appreciated
Replied on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:54 AM

Hello doctor, my name is Ibraheem, am 32 year old from India. I stopped smoking 4 years ago and since then I am suffering from stomach pain. I have gastric problem and in addition to it, am also suffering from chest pain and back pain too. I have done my heart tests but the results came normal. I am looking forward for some guidance or some remedy from you as am exhausted of taking medicines, but found no cure. Currently I am taking Leprazool everyday before breakfast in the morning. Please help me.
Replied on Thursday, November 8, 2012 1:43 PM

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