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Diet and nutrition :
Diet Pills

Diet pills, or anti-obesity medication, help people lose weight by altering certain body processes like metabolism or the absorption or calories. Diet pills have risky side effects, and doctors usually prescribe them only in extreme cases where the benefits outweigh the risks.

Join this online group on diet pills to meet others who want to lose weight and are using or want to use diet pills, and professionals who can help.


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Hello Everyone!

Oops! Its very nice to be here. I'm a senior rugby player. I am here to share and to learn with you about some best diet formulas! I have been working out in gym for the last two weeks. I am 149 lbs today and I have workout hard in gym and done a lot of fasting too. But, my weight has not gone down for last two weeks. It should have gone down as I have been working hard. Why doesn't it? I am so worried that I may not decrease weight. I want to lose my weight so I am just 120 lbs. I will appreciate if any one helps me by suggesting a perfect diet supplement or pills. Where am I going wrong?


Posted on : Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2:55 PM
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You'll be astonished to learn that there is no short cut to weight loss. Diet supplement and pills are synthetic and cannot be taken for long time. Also they do not give desired results and are also not free from side effects. If you lose 5 kg you may gain 10kg in next 5 months. Hence beware of these side effects.

A natural weight loss diet should be rich in fiber, moderate in proteins and restrictive in bad fats along with regular exercise might help you get long term good results.

Replied on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 12:29 AM

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