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Bitter Facts About Iced Coffee

The seemingly innocuous coffee flavored milk, a favorite among children and adults alike is found to contain harmful caffeine levels, double the amount found in energy drinks. ...Read More

Posted on : Monday, June 23, 2008 12:00 AM
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Hmm..I checked Medindia's source for this report which claimed that the National Health and Medical Research Council had issued a warning about children drinking caffeine. When you go to their site they mention that their report has been in the news and refer you to the report.

The report, on page 151, sums up their findings "Overall, the evidence to suggest that caffeine has adverse
behavioural effects on children at current intake levels is inconclusive."

So, Medindia, how about a retraction, and a little better research next time?

The next time someone tells you Coffee is bad for you, send them to
Replied on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:00 AM

Please send us the reference document. Our news editors use multiple sources before presenting the info. Coffee generally can cause children to become hyperactive. The statement of The National Institute of Health on coffee "a child's caffeine consumption should be closely monitored. Although caffeine is safe to consume in moderation, it may negatively affect a child's nutrition. Caffeinated beverages may be replacing nutrient-dense foods such as milk. A child may also eat less because caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant. Caffeine can be completely restricted in a child's diet since there is no nutritional requirement for it. This may be necessary for a hyperactive child as caffeine is a stimulant." Hence there is a negative impact of this substance.
Replied on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 12:00 AM

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