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Diet and nutrition, or ‘what we eat’ is the science (and art!) of nurturing the human body to reach its full potential. As a field of study, diet and nutrition is garnering more attention these days even as scientists discover how much of our health really depends on watching what we’re eating.

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High Intake of Milk may Reduce Cancer Risks by 60 Percent

According to a new study, increasing intake of calcium and vitamin D could reduce the risk for cancer in women by at least 60 percent....Read More

Posted on : Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:00 AM
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Vitamin D and calcium are the cancer preventatives, not milk. To conclude that drinking milk is a cancer preventive is false.

In fact, studies show that milk/dairy promotes asthma in children and osteoporosis in adults.

Dr. Frank Oski, Johns Hopkins University USA said, "There is no reason to drink cow's milk at any time in your life. It was designed for calves, it was not designed for humans, and we should all stop drinking it today"

Dr. Spock agreed, saying, "[T]here was a time when cow's milk was considered very desirable. But research, along with clinical experience, has forced doctors and nutritionists to rethink this recommendation.

And (WHO) says that western nations that consume a lot of meat/dairy have the highest levels of osteoporosis, which is caused by eating a lot of animal protein.

Read the UN report here:


Replied on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 12:00 AM

How very misleading to give this article a title suggesting that drinking milk prevents cancer. Aside from misrepresenting this particular study, you are actually suggesting a substance that many have found detrimental to their health.
Replied on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:00 AM

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