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Dangerous Side Effects of Tea Exposed

Even though previous researches have authenticated about the beneficial aspects of tea, scientists have now pointed out...Read More

Posted on : Friday, April 27, 2007 12:00 AM
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I find these conclusions to be rather outrageous. There are so many more health benefits to drinking tea, which is why it has been practiced in eastern countries for thousands of years. It seems as though sceintists have concluded everything is harmful in our world! I drink on average 3-5 cups a day, and yet I am still living to post this. To hell with phony science! I shall continue to enjoy tea even if it means endangering my future generation.
Replied on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 12:00 AM
i really dont understand what do scientist to prove, too much brain can cause damage i will not question about their studies about things but as far as i concern as long as i have gain the benefit of dringking tea i continue drinking.

Replied on Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:00 AM

can it really cause leukemia?
i drink about 5 to 10 cups of tea a day
Replied on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:00 AM
Anyone here ever hear of the Asian Paradox? I don't believe this hype for a sec. Green tea has been the most powerful and the healthiest thing you could add to your lifestyle since ancient times. Oh and if there is danger from a supplement, well it is a supplement which is different then a cup of green tea. The article should be more specific about the actual topic being discussed here. If green tea affected medications (which it may) I think there would be a sign of it.
Replied on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 12:00 AM

About leaf regular Tea I feel, the quantity and concentration is important if it has some effect on anxiety/ gastric. I fully endorse that green tea has to be well tested scientifically. I recently had green tea[plain as well as Tulasi], I suffered with severe gastric problems, it took a day to come down. This could be due to some hypertension related problems. I feel it is important that tea preparations like slim tea, Dr. tea, green tea should be tested by independent Nutritional agencies before they are allowed to market.
Replied on Saturday, September 18, 2010 1:08 PM

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