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KFC’s ‘Horror’ Burger

The world faces the horror burger, the latest offering of KFC, a burger with no buns, but two slices of bacon and cheese between two slabs of fried chicken!
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Posted on : Tuesday, March 29, 2011 4:57 PM
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"In a country where obesity is becoming a nightmare to nutritionists and anti-obesity campaigners" Funny I thought it would be a nutritionist's dream it's what keeps them in a job. Seriously let's put this into perspective; the "Double Down" contains only 185kj [approx 44 calories] more than a standard KFC colonel burger. When the average daily calorie target to maintain weight is about 2000 calories a day, we're not talking that much extra. Removing the buns is probably an improvement health-wise since they are full of sugar anyway. And about it being "double the fat"; duh there are TWO pieces of chicken on the thing, do they think we can't grasp basic mathematics? I'm sure Dr Rosemary Stanton can think of a few worse things than this burger that are "horrifying"; such as alcohol, which causes permanent brain damage with every single sip, and yet society (not advertising) encourages us to consume it en masse. Is the point of this article to suggest this food should be "banned"? Or to warn people that it's unhealthy? People can make up their own minds; I don't want a nanny state telling me what's good for me. I'll give this burger a try, but I wouldn't eat it with a side of fries/drink (I never do with any burger), since I know those extra calories will probably put me over my daily limit. Educating people and teaching them how to make responsible decisions is key to good health, not telling them what's good for them.
Replied on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 4:57 PM
Totally agree. I live in the US and there was the same outcry here. It soon died down when the facts that you put forward were shown.
Replied on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 6:01 PM

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