diabetes has consern to hyperthairoedisum and hypothyroidisum and also consern to gout.
Replied on Friday, July 21, 2006 12:00 AM
This is very interesting because I have type 1 diabetes and MS!
Replied on Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:00 AM
 cperdue (Guest)
My sister had type 1 diabetes since age 12 and at age 40 was confirmed that she had ms.
Replied on Thursday, December 10, 2009 12:00 AM
 oneteacher (Guest)
I too was diagnosed with diabetes at age 11 and now am experiencing symptoms of ms. My MRI came back negative, but I am very afraid. Please reply and let me know if you are in the same situation. i feel helpless. Has anyone out there had sudden hearing loss from the MS?
Replied on Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:03 PM
 momof3 (Guest)
I was just diagonesed with MS and i know am noticing symptoms for diabetes. I am getting tested for diabetes on wed. Jan 12 2009. I have about 8 out of the 9 symptons of diabetes,everything but the weight loss, so i would say my chances for have diabetes is pretty good...m I am VERY VERY scared of my having diabetes with the MS. cAN SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME!?
Replied on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:00 AM
 larencher (Guest)
I was recently diagnosied with diabetes. I am a 36yrs old mother of 2. I also have MS. I was diagnoised with relapsing remitting ms in 2003. I have been complaining for moths about being extremely hungary, frequent urination, extreme fatique, lack of focus, blurred vision and dizziness for the pass several of months! I also suffer from chronic daily headaches that never go away! on a good day my pain level is a 4!! I don't know if there is any on out there who suffers from DWDU!??? (DOCTORS WHO DONT UNDERSTAND!!) But that seems to be my situation since i was diagnoised with MS! Every complaint you have seem to get blown off as being associated with MS or all in your mind!! Now since being newly diagnosed I am insulin dependent!! which I believe could have been avoided if I was taken more seriously several months ago when I 1st complain of the severe hungar and ferquent urination and weight loss up and down! I am scared to death! I havent been able to stablize my blood sugar since i have been released from the hospital 2 weeks ago! If there is any one out there who sound like me or have any comment! I would love to hear from you!
Replied on Monday, June 29, 2009 12:00 AM
 worried (Guest)
I' am dealing with almost the same thing as u but reversed.As far as the diabities,get on an insulin pump.I have one and they make a world of difference when it comes to managing diabities.They work more like a normal pancreas.And if you are only 2 weeks of been dignosed with diabities,it will take some time to get those levels figured out.Don't stress about it,right yet.It took about 1-2 months before my levels finally straightned,but always remember with diabities,there will be some days when your levels will go completly out of control,for no reason.Don't blame yourself , this dieses has a mind of it's own,just as many others.
Replied on Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:00 AM
My 51year old mother was diagnosed with MS 2years ago. Just recently she was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 where she had to be hospitalized because her sugar levels was so high the sugar meter could not even read it. After 2 weeks, her blood sugar is ok, but it still fluctuates now-and-then. When i read what you wrote, it directly sounded like my mothers' experience.We requested the latest results that was done from her specialist in order to give it to her general doctor[since we do not live in the same town as where the specialist is] We just discovered that those recent tests that was done by a specialist, had RED,WARNING results regarding her sugar levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure. NOTHING WAS DONE REGARDING THIS. She was not even informed of these results. And these tests were done in the beginning of 2012. My mother is devastated, because she almost died.
I would like to hear from you. How are you now?
Replied on Monday, June 4, 2012 4:06 PM
 worried (Guest)
Hi there,i am a 28 year old mother of 3 , and last nov was diagnoised with type 1 diabities. I mangange my diabities with an insulin pump,which has made a world of difference.About a week ago i went numb in my arms hands legs and feet,felt alot of confusion,stumbled over my words ect....The docters are now sending me for an mri to test for ms. I am scared to dealth. One complicated desiese is enough to deal with.Anyone one have some advice,or there expiencees with these 2 dieseases.
Replied on Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:00 AM
I was diagnosed with Type 1 2 years ago [at43!] then 1 year later, I was diagnosed with MS. I had a severe pain in my head, my arm went numb and I lost balance. At first it looked like a stroke. My lumbar puncture confirmed MS. I still cannot believe this is happening to me. I just got an insulin pump and looking for another treatment for the MS. I had a terrible reaction to Copaxon.
Replied on Monday, September 28, 2009 12:00 AM