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Diabetes - Essentials

Diabetes 'essentials' refer to the comprehensive health check-up and treatment paraphernalia a diabetic person can use by himself in order to maintain health and lead an active life. Diabetes essentials include blood glucose meters, insulin injections, ketone strips, correct footwear, healthy snacks and log books.

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Anti-oxidants in Coffee Reduce Blood Sugar but Not Inflammation in Diabetes

A new study
published in Nutrition Journal reveals that drinking coffee moderately may
reduce blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetics but its antioxidants do not
reduce inflammation. ...Read More

Posted on : Monday, July 11, 2011 6:09 AM
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The Anti Obesity drug makers and diabetes drug makers take in 10 billion$ every year with no cure!!

Food Chemicals are the cause of the diabetes and obesity crisis

The FDA and Drug makers know this and are laughing to the Billionaire$$$ bank

The food chemicals break the gut[insulin] and this is the cause of the diabetes and obesity crisis

A filmmaker has been reversing diabetes and Obesity in now 10 countries and the drug makers do not promote the story

Replied on Monday, July 11, 2011 6:09 AM

There is a great deal of evidence that drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes cause harmful side effects. Rezulin has caused liver failure and Avandia has caused heart attacks as well as cardiovascular disease. A natural solution is needed and, in fact, is here. Resveratrol has been shown to be an effective treatment for Type 2 diabetes. It is all natural and causes no side effects, making it safe for long-term use. Below are links to studies demonstrating how resveratrol may curb insulin resistance, increase insulin sensitivity and help protect the heart and eyes from damage caused by the disease. The supplement physicians recommend is Resvantage as it is the most bioavailable resveratrol supplement on the market meaning that your body is able to absorb more of it. Additionally, the encapsulation method that the manufacturer uses protects the compound from losses in potency which is a real issue with most resveratrol supplements.
Replied on Thursday, July 14, 2011 4:38 PM

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