my father was admitted in jaslok hospital for severe body ache and fatigue.jaslok hospital misdiaognised it as malaria positive on 4th day and malaria negative on fifth day and he died on 6th day blood test results came on 7th day after he passed away dengu was possitive.his death certificate issued by hospital states cause of death malaria.jaslok was very careless and irresponsible in detecting father had all the symptoms of dengu.severe body ache,severe fatigue,rash all over his body,blood ozzing from his pores,low blood pressure,platlets droped from 139000 to 97000,90000,89000 in 4 days and no blood test done for 2 days than dropped to 11000 on day 5th 27000 on 6th and 38000 on 7th and last day of his life.jaslok hospital is responsible for my father’s death