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Gastrointestinal System :

Constipation means having hard stools that are difficult to pass. Exercise, a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water can help constipation. But if you have sudden constipation along with nausea, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding, you need to see a doctor quickly.

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Hirschsprung Disease

My daughter will be 4 in July, she has been below the 10th percentile in height and weight since she was 1 years old. She has stopped gaining weight since she was 2. She hardly ever eats, just a bite or two.

Since she was born she has had trouble with constipation. They performed an u/s when she was 4 months old to make sure everything was heading to the stomach. They told me to start fruits and Caro in her bottles. Since then she has been on a high fiber diet she drinks tons of diluted juice. She is allowed milk once a day and cheese once a day. Her pedi had her on a 1/4cap full of Miralax a day,then increased to 1/2 a cap full. No progress, started adding fiber gummies.She was on a 1/2 cap full of Miralax and 3 child fiber gummies. It helped push out some, but it was always very hard. She cried a lot. He referred us to a Pedi GI, he said it's most likely functional constipation, so he increased Miralax to 1 cap full a day and a "clean out" (3-4 cap fulls in one day) and, of course, more fiber. Sigh. This was 6 months ago. It helped some she had some movement, but again it was hard. She has bowel movements every 5-6 days, I know it's coming because she will start to have smears in her diaper, the smears were the consistency of peanut butter and only a tiny bit several times a day.

Two weeks ago she began the smears 3 days in to no bm. I started to try cleaning her out with more miralax, sometimes giving her 4 fiber gummies. After day 5 of no bm she threw up after eating dinner. The next morning was Sat,GI's office was closed, I brought her to her pedi after hour clinic. The dr there said her stomach was distended, but did not feel any blockages and the rectal exam he was unable to feel any stool. Told me to come back in a few days if still no bm. Three days in I noticed she hasn't passed any gas and the smears had stopped completely. The fourth day,clean out of 4 doses of Miralax. Nothing. Called the GI on the fifth day, but he was out of the office, so I returned. A different dr saw her and said her stomach is very distended. She did a rectal and there was, again, no stool. She then sent us to Xrays and called our GI. The xrays showed that the stool was compacted very high up and had reached her stomach. The dr told us the GI's instructions were to give her an enema, 3 doses of Miralax and chocolate exlax consecutively and call back within 2-3 hours. After completing the instructions only a small nugget came out and the liquid from the enema. The GI sent us to the hospital where she received a NG tube. That is when she began throwing up fecal matter. After the nausea had settled they began the Golytely meds through the NG tube. She was there for 2 nights. On the 2nd night she stopped making progress and they had to do an adult enema to continue the treatment. We saw the GI two days ago to follow up. He told us he is going to test her for Hirschsprung Disease. Is it normal to test for this or does he think she has it?

Posted on : Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:56 PM
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