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Women’s health

Women’s health concerns include problems with conditions or issues specific to the bodies of women, like menstruation, childbirth, maternal health, menopause, and breast cancer.

Our Women’s Health Support Group is meant to help women network with their counterparts and find resources and services that they might need.
Support Groups (40)


Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease which is known to infect warm-blooded animals, including Homo sapiens. Caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, cats have proved to be generous hosts to the parasite.

Learn more about toxoplasmosis, its diagnosis and modern treatment options by joining our support group.

Trimester of pregnancy

A trimester is a period of three months. Doctors usually talk about the three trimesters of pregnancy (first-third, fourth-sixth, and seventh-ninth months), and study the growth of the fetus and the progress of the pregnancy based on this classification.

Join this online group on pregnancy to learn more about what you can expect during your first, second, and third trimesters, and get in touch with doctors and other women who are also expecting.

Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection of any part of the urinary tract – the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Usually a urinary tract infection causes pain, fever, and discomfort, but is easily treated – unless it spreads to the kidneys.

Join our online group on urinary tract infections to get more information about this disease.

Urinary Tract Infection/Vesico Ureteric Reflux

Urinary tract infections can be caused by bacteria infecting any part of the urinary tract – the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or the urethra. The happen more to females than males, usually because of bacteria migrating from the anus to the urethra. The main symptoms are pain or burning during urination, cloudy or bloody urine, lower back pain, and fever.

Join our online group on urinary tract infections. Ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.

Vaginitis / Vaginal Infections

Vaginitis is the medical term for inflammation of the vagina. The inflammation can be caused by yeast or bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases, changing hormone levels during menopause, or allergic reactions to soaps or fabric.

Learn more by joining this online group on vaginitis.


Vaginosis is irritation, itching, swelling and an unpleasant discharge from the vagina caused by an imbalance of the natural bacteria, or an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, that inhabit the vagina. This is usually treated with antibiotics.

Learn more about the condition and meet experts on our online group on vaginosis.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are veins which have become enlarged and painful. Usually this happens in the leg among people who need to stand or walk a lot. It looks bad and it can be painful and itchy.

This varicose veins support group will help you meet others with the same problem and doctors who specialize in treating varicose veins.

Women and Cancer

Recent times have witnessed a spate in the number of cancer cases reported among women. While cancer of the breast is still the most common form of the deadly disease in women, instances of ovarian, cervical, and even oral cancer are on the rise. This encyclopedia section of Medindia gives general information on women and cancer.

Learn more about women and their cancers, its diagnosis and modern treatment options by joining our support group.

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m_n_eb wrote a discussion post under Primary Amenorrhea and intermittent fasting /anyone Uk based? in Primary Amenorrhea Support Group - 2136 days back
stewt replied to stewt's discussion post under Please respond... in Primary Amenorrhea Support Group - 2325 days back
stewt replied to malib's discussion post under Please respond... in Primary Amenorrhea Support Group - 2325 days back
Oladunni replied to Niki68's discussion post under Please respond... in Primary Amenorrhea Support Group - 2333 days back
malib replied to mycharms's discussion post under Please respond... in Primary Amenorrhea Support Group - 2372 days back
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