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Ear, Nose and Mouth

Ear, nose, and mouth disorders are treated as one category in medicine because problems in one usually cause problems in the other. These ‘ENT’ diseases are very common, like the common cold or tonsillitis.

Join our doctors’ and patients’ group to meet others, locate resources, and dig out the latest reports in this field.
Support Groups (11)

Anosmia / Loss Of Smell

Anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell, might happen as a result of injury, infection, or genetics. It is more dangerous than people generally imagine – an anosmic person might not be able to smell gas leaks, for example, or bad food.

Join this online anosmia support group to share notes with professionals and patients dealing with anosmia.

Cold Sores/ Fever Blisters / Recurrent Herpes Labialis

Cold sores are tiny and painful blisters filled with fluid. Triggered by a virus, they generally appear around the lips, nose or mouth. They are also known as fever blisters.

Want to learn how to manage cold sores? Or better, how to avoid them? Pick up easy tips and medical advice on cold sores at this support group.

Common Cold

This is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by sneezing, coughing, a sore throat and runny nose, and sometimes muscle aches, tiredness, headaches, shivering and loss of appetite. Most colds are mild and last less than a week, and there are no approved antiviral medicines for the condition. But there are several drugs for treating the symptoms.

This online group on the common cold will help you meet professionals and lay people who are interested in the latest research on this illness.

Ear Blockage / Wax Blockage

Ear blockage is usually caused by the build up of ear wax, though infection, inflammation, foreign bodies, and tumors might also be possible reasons. 'Cleaning' the ear with external objects often pushes the wax deep into the ears and causes wax blockage of the ears.

This online group on ear blockage or wax blockage will help you meet doctors and other parents and find solutions that suit your child.


Hyperacusis is an abnormal sensitivity to everyday sound levels or noises, with the accompanying sensitivity to high pitched sounds. The disorder is often chronic and usually followed by tinnitus or ringing sound in the ears in 40% of the people. While Hyperacusis on its own affects only 1 in 50,000 people, it’s more common among people with tinnitus.

For more details, use our Hyperacusis vaccine support group.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are not only very painful, but (if you don’t know) are also easily transmitted between persons. Caused by a virus called the Herpes simplex, or HSV, mouth ulcers are the second most common viral infection known to man.

For more tidbits on handling mouth ulcers, sign up on our support group today.

Nose Bleed / Epistaxis

Nose bleeds happen when the blood vessels in the upper part of the nose break and bleed. This is usually caused by injury, colds, or allergies. It is not a serious problem, and can be treated by holding the nose closed with the fingers for 10 minutes. Occasionally, however, it might be a sign of severe calcium deficiency or drug abuse.

Have any questions about nose bleeds? Join our online group to meet people who can answer them.

Oral Cancer

Growth of cancerous tissue in the mouth is referred to as oral cancer. In men, oral cancer represents 4% of total cancers whereas in women the figure touches 2%. Majority of oral cancers affect the outer layer of mucous membrane covering the oral cavity.

To learn more, share experiences and connect with doctors on oral cancer, Medindia’s support group provides you all the facilities you need.


Ear, nose, and mouth disorders are treated as one category in medicine because problems in one usually cause problems in the other. These ‘ENT’ diseases are very common, like the common cold or tonsillitis.

Join our doctors’ and patients’ group to meet others, locate resources, and dig out the latest reports in this field.

Otitis Media/ Middle Ear Infection

Otitis media is inflammation or infection of the middle ear. Most cases of otitis media begin with a respiratory infection (like colds and coughs) that travel to the middle year. The disease is common among children, and is treated with antibiotics and painkillers.

Join this online group on otitis media to ask your questions to the experts and learn more.

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