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Dental Health

Dental health is more than just taking care of cavities in the teeth – it is holistic care that aims at prevention, so that cavities, plaque, tartar, and many other problems never happen at all.

You can use our online Support Group for Dental Health to find resources and services, and share ideas with others on dental care.
Support Groups (9)

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis or periodontal disease. Left untreated, these can not just make your teeth fall out but also increase your risk of heart disease and certain kinds of cancer. Oral hygiene, a healthy diet with enough Vitamin C and regular dental care can stop gums from bleeding.

Join our online group on bleeding gums to ask questions to the experts and learn more.

Bruxism / Tooth Grinding / Jaw Clenching / Teeth Clenching / Parasomnia

Bruxism, or habitual teeth grinding, can damage the enamel and lead to oversensitive and abraded teeth and can also cause facial pain and headaches. When the tooth is hollow due to cavities, bruxism can lead to the collapse of the tooth. Bruxism is a compulsive habit as well as a sleep disorder, since many people grind their teeth in sleep.

Join our online support group for people coping with bruxism. Ask your questions to experts, share your experiences, and learn more.

Dental Anesthesia

Most of the drugs used these days dentistry are synthetic in nature. They belong to two groups, namely, Ester (such as cocaine) or Anilide (Bupivacaine) group. Most of these agents produce adequate loss of sensation, but some of them have more adverse reactions than the others and are hence not in common use.

Medindia’s support group hosts all the information you need on dental anesthetics and their usage.

Loose Teeth

Loose teeth in adults are caused by gum disease, malocclusion (teeth meeting the wrong way during chewing), habitual grinding of teeth, or injury. They need to be attended to by a dentist to prevent the teeth becoming looser and falling off.

Join this online group on loose teeth to learn more from dentists and others who have had loose teeth treated.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are not only very painful, but (if you don’t know) are also easily transmitted between persons. Caused by a virus called the Herpes simplex, or HSV, mouth ulcers are the second most common viral infection known to man.

For more tidbits on handling mouth ulcers, sign up on our support group today.

Oral Cancer

Growth of cancerous tissue in the mouth is referred to as oral cancer. In men, oral cancer represents 4% of total cancers whereas in women the figure touches 2%. Majority of oral cancers affect the outer layer of mucous membrane covering the oral cavity.

To learn more, share experiences and connect with doctors on oral cancer, Medindia’s support group provides you all the facilities you need.

Oral Health: The First Reflector of AIDS

Oral health, or the lack of it rather, is often one of the first reflectors of AIDS. HIV can cause serious damage to the mouth and the surrounding structures. Under immunocompromised conditions, the usual microorganisms in the mouth can set off irreparable damage to the teeth, lips, tongue, gums and cheeks.

For more information on oral health during AIDS and its maintenance, join Medindia’s support group today.


Dental health is more than just taking care of cavities in the teeth – it is holistic care that aims at prevention, so that cavities, plaque, tartar, and many other problems never happen at all.

You can use our online Support Group for Dental Health to find resources and services, and share ideas with others on dental care.

Receding Gums

Does your teeth appear longer than usual? Are you teeth sensitive when you drink anything hot or cold?. If yes, you might actually be the victim of receding gums. A condition normally seen occurring with age, but can also occur in younger individuals. ... Read More

Reflux Esophagitis

Esophagitis is a condition due to an inflammation of the lining of the lower end of the oesophagus. Esophagus or gullet is a hollow muscular tube about 2 cms in diameter that acts as the 'swallowing pipe' leading to the stomach. Muscles of the esophagus contract in a co-ordinated fashion in one direction to push the food down through a valve like muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter. Reflu ... Read More

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johnherron replied to akash_mal's discussion post under Cause For Receding Gum in Receding Gums Support Group - 2268 days back
sheena_hines replied to Advancells's discussion post under bleeding gums? in Bleeding Gums Support Group - 3886 days back
Advancells replied to ssingh25's discussion post under bleeding gums? in Bleeding Gums Support Group - 4243 days back
dentistmumbai wrote a discussion post under Teeth Whitening Treatment recommended for Tooth Discoloration in Tooth Discoloration Support Group - 4538 days back
JoseZachary replied to JoseZachary's discussion post under Dental implants in Dental Anesthesia Support Group - 4566 days back
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