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Diet and nutrition :
Calcium and Vitamin Supplements

Calcium and vitamin supplements can help when there is a real deficiency of some micronutrients, but their use without indication in healthy people is controversial. Some supplements can raise the levels of particular micronutrients (especially iron and Vitamin A) to toxic levels.

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About Vitamins and Minerals

While it is important to eat a nutritionally balanced meal three times a day regularly, it is also important to take dietary supplements. But the question is which type of supplements to take? Do you go ahead and take all, or should you be selective based on your age and health profile?

We are always stressed in our modern type of lifestyle and most of us will usually skip a meal or two, so let alone trying to have proper intake of vitamins. Remember that vitamins should not and never be the substitute for balance meals. So taking vitamins while you miss your meals is not going to provide you complete and wholesome nutrition.

A good and balanced diet is one that contain plenty of calcium, protein, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber and at the same time is supplemented by vitamins. The foods today are usually enriched with vitamins and minerals. You should take a look at the nutrition label and you can see the listing of all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in the food. These information listed on the package also show the daily recommended percentage of each of the type of vitamin, giving you a good idea on what your body is getting when you eat that food.

If you are a woman, then calcium is perhaps one of the most important mineral for you. And most of the trusted sources state that a woman should consume at least 1200-1500 mg of calcium daily.

Vitamin D is another important supplement. Vitamin D is essential to bone health and are included in most calcium supplement too. Sunlight provides vitamin D too which is absorbed by the skin. However those who stay in region that do not have a lot of sunlight, taking a regular intake of vitamin D is recommended.

Posted on : Monday, June 1, 2009 4:03 AM
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A good one!
Replied on Monday, November 2, 2009 1:31 AM
You have omitted a powerful mineral, Magnesium. Deficiency in this one can lead to a variety of health problems, including certain mental disorders: clinical depression, insomnia, anxiety, and the list goes on.
Replied on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 6:26 AM

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