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Blood Donation

A noble gesture to help a fellow human being, blood donation is carried out when a person voluntarily agrees for blood to be drawn with the intention of donating it. This donated blood may be used for transfusions or may be separated into individual components to be used as required.

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Blood Donation Procedure

Many of us will need to receive a blood transfusion at some time in our lives. If you have donated blood before, you know how good it feels to do something special for someone. The American Red Cross and other blood banks have safeguards to make sure that blood is safe to give and to receive. Anyone 18 years or older and over 110 pounds is eligible to give blood. It is necessary to wait at least 8 weeks between blood donations. You will be asked to provide personal identification before you donate. Questions are asked privately about intravenous drug use, HIV test results, and high-risk sexual behaviors. Other questions will be asked about illnesses or medical conditions that might contaminate the blood supply or make blood donation unsafe for receiver. All information is confidential.

General health checks are done for blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. A sample of the potential donor's blood is typed and tested for anemia, hepatitis, syphilis, and the AIDS virus. The blood will not be used if tests show that the person may be a carrier of any of these illnesses or other viruses. Many blood banks have adopted a program for donors who are at risk for AIDS to give blood that is used for research purposes. This blood is not part of the general blood supply but for donation to the public. Blood is usually donated while lying down. The skin on an arm is cleaned with an antiseptic and a new, sterile, non-reusable needle is used to withdraw about a pint of blood. Most people feel fine during and after blood donation. A few people may feel dizzy or faint. Juice and snacks are provided by the staff to help the donor's body adjust to the change in blood volume. Bruising at the blood draw site may occur. It takes the body less than 24 hours to replenish the lost fluid and 6 weeks to replace red blood cells. Giving blood is safe for the donor and can be life-saving to the receiver. Please give blood.

Posted on : Thursday, November 5, 2009 5:44 AM
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You are absolutely right.I have been donating blood for the past 35 years now. There are only benefits and a satisfaction that you have done something good to the society by blood donation. There's absolutely no harm as it is doctors who accept your donation.
Replied on Thursday, November 5, 2009 6:37 PM
I would like to give clients whose blood group is very rare like AB Neg Rh Neg a bit of advice. It is best to start a blood bank account and keep the account ID card with them at all times. Starting a membership with Medic Alert.org is good as it saves the medical professional from having to do a type and cross match to ensure the correct blood type.
Replied on Saturday, January 30, 2010 3:53 PM

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