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Kidney and bladder :
Bedwetting / Enuresis

Bedwetting is considered a medical problem only after a child is at least three years old. Almost 15% of children above the age of three continue to wet their beds, and more boys wet their beds than girls. Sometimes it can be the sign of an emotional problem, but most children stop it on their own before puberty.

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1. Which doctor should I consult if my son has the habit of bed wetting?

You can go to a Pediatrician or a Psychiatrist.

2. When will a child stop bedwetting?

Common bedwetting is not a mental or learning problem, and punishing your child will never provide a solution. In fact, a child who is punished for wetting the bed can develop emotional problems which may make the bedwetting problem more intense than stop it. Every child is different and most children outgrow bedwetting.

3. What is the role of parents?

Parents should be helpful for supportive treatments to be effective. Accusing or threatening the child could make the childs condition worse. First of all, control fluid intake, it should be limited for up to two to three hours before bedtime. Rewards, like toys or favorite foods may be given for staying dry at night to motivate the child.

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