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Allergies & Immunity :

Asthma is chronic respiratory disorder that causes difficulty in breathing when the airways become inflamed and narrow. It is usually caused by allergies. The condition can be managed by medication but sometimes, severe asthma attacks can be fatal.

Join our online support group for asthma to learn more about this disease and contact doctors and others who can help.


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1. Which specialist should I consult if I have Asthma?

You should consult a General Physician or a Pulmonoligist?

2. Is there a cure for asthma?

Asthma can be controlled effectively by allopathy. The cure for the disease however is yet to be found.

3. Does it run in the family?

Yes, there are documented cases where heredity also is one of the factors causing asthma.

4. Will I get it if I get repeated attacks of cold?

Contrary to popular belief, asthma has nothing to do with common cold.

5. Will fish medicine cure me of asthma?

Traditional medicine has always been used to treat asthma- fish medicine is one such medicine. Its effect is still being studied.

6. Will I get asthma if I am allergic to dust?

Maybe. This is one of the predisposing causes for asthma.

7. Is it true that inhalers should not be used by asthmatics because they are addictive?

Inhalers are very important in the treatment of asthma. They are not addictive.

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