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Allergies & Immunity :

Asthma is chronic respiratory disorder that causes difficulty in breathing when the airways become inflamed and narrow. It is usually caused by allergies. The condition can be managed by medication but sometimes, severe asthma attacks can be fatal.

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My sis is suffering from Asthma and currently taking the medication (Pills+Seretide+flumucil+Limce etc.) which includes Vaccination (Injection) One Doctor from UK told me that in UK and other countries vaccination is not being given to the patients. I want to clarify and know how useful is this treatment for curing asthma. Also What kind of activities she should perform?

Posted on : Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:50 AM
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She should try doing yoga. Yoga has really worked wonders on my mom.Singulair and Ingulair are also good options for asthma. But do discuss with your doctor before taking any new medicines.

Replied on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:35 PM

I have asthma with underlying allergies as well and I take Singular, Advair Inhaler, and Cromolyn Sodium Inhalation Solution Inhalation as well as D-Allergy and Allermyst. I also get allergy shots every 3 weeks. I am currently on oxygen because of my low oxygen levels when walking or exerting myself and the other tests confirming it. I have a rescue inhaler as well - Albuterol. Normally, people with asthma are not given the oxygen but I have been prescribed it because of my on going problem with breathing and chest pains. Your sister should be treated by a pulmonologist in order to receive the best possible care for her asthma. Hope she does better soon.

Jean in S. Florida
Replied on Thursday, November 19, 2009 11:16 AM

I was a chronic asthma patient from childhood i have been taking allopathy medicines. But after marriage i did Reikhi which helped me cure my asthma completely. Its a 2 day course (the Ist degree of reikhi)

Please do not go for a class which has single student teaching if you are taught in a group then only reikhi is effective. It means, you should have atleast a student group of 4 to 6. Avoid inhalers and injections as much as possible. Pranayam is also another best method for curing asthma.
Replied on Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:09 AM

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