Suddenly 1 day i got un bearable pain all over d stomach so i thought it was just a normal pain as i lived in hostel no one was der 2 take me 2 hospital atleast 4 checkup but finally my pain grew more and i went 2 hos. d doctor gave me an injection 4 gas trouble and told 2 consult her on next day but der was fluctuations in pain so i went 2 consult her on next day and finally d report was infront of me and i was like shocked 2 see dat d my case was a bit complicated n felt like crying as my parents wer far off n it would take 2days 2 come 2 me.but coz of my frnds i could b bold and really it was a nice experience.just last week i was discharged.
Replied on Friday, October 8, 2010 3:52 AM
The first symptom that someone with appendicitis will feel is a pain on the abdomen, specifically on the right lower quadrant. An appendicitis is an emergency most especially if there is already a rupture of the appendix. Immediate surgery is needed to remove the affected appendix.
Replied on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 6:19 PM
 Joecab (Guest)
By jcab_09@yahoo.com I remember that it was friday, I got paid ready to buy my xbox. As I got to the store they had the kinetic thing for the xbox so me and my friend where playing it, everything seemed normal and I drank water as well. After purchasing the product I went home and installed it and layed down in my bed setting the instructions etc until suddenly I felt a built In gas in my stomach, well I thought it was a mean gas I had, the ones they call "silent" killers well I try to pull the gas out but I notice it was nothing to do with it, couple hours passed by and I thought to myself maybe I ate something bad so I try to vomit and since u couldn't I forced myself, I really thought that it was something I ate but I only made it worst and the contractions that you use to vomit made my stomach hurt even harder. Soon I thought it was gastritis but yet it was not, I was taken to hospital that made me wait 2 days almost 3 days if it wasn't for my mom re complications would of been bigger and dangerous. The other hospital really checked me, had me being process by the ct scan and confirm it was the appendix that needed to he removed. Currently I was discharged and this is my 2nd day being home, the pain is there but I'm walking a lot. Question is what can i eat now ??
Replied on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 2:51 AM
 bigal96 (Guest)
I was able to eat normally the next morning after my surgery. try to avoid meats for a few days.
Replied on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 3:40 PM
 vinddhariya (Guest)
i wanna know that any other process to treatment of appendicitis in place of appendectomy
Replied on Friday, February 25, 2011 6:00 AM
 Lottie13 (Guest)
I remember when i got an appendicitis. I was at school and i'd felt terrible for about 3 days then in science i collapsed in pain the next thing i remember was waking up in recovery and been told by my teacher that i'd had my appendix taken out. I was sooo embarassed when i found out what happened after i passed out, apparantly everyone thought i was faking and started laughing at me until the teacher told them to shut up and sit down, then she started shouting at me telling me to stop messing about and get up, it was only about 2 minuets later when the end of period bell went and i didn't get that she realised something was wrong!
Replied on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 9:35 AM