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Anosmia / Loss Of Smell

Anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell, might happen as a result of injury, infection, or genetics. It is more dangerous than people generally imagine – an anosmic person might not be able to smell gas leaks, for example, or bad food.

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Anosmia is actually total loss of smell. For many of us smell is something that we take for granted. In fact the sense of smell leads to enhancement of all our senses and enjoyement of life. Anosmia is a more of a common problemin the elderlyn then we think of. Just enquire your grandparents if they are able to smell their cooking or able to enjoy the odor of the incence sticks. You will be surprised to hear that most of them will accept that they do not appreciate the sense of smell.How about your experience?

Posted on : Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:40 AM
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I don't know the exact cause of my anosmia. There are 4 contributing factors that came into play at the same time. A CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) operation (one trigger), diabetes type II, loss of Xanax after 20 years (the other trigger), and chemical sensitivity. My sense of smell is waning, but not gone completely. It really affects what the tongue does with taste, which is also gone. Bitter is about gone. Salt is really pronounced. The Japanese have identified a fifth sense for the tongue. I can't remember what it is. Sometimes I can smell something smoky like burning electronics when there is none. Cigarette second hand smoke really smells very obnoxious (I don't smoke - I quit 20 yrs ago) and repulsive. It didn't bother me, but now I can't be in the same room with it.
Replied on Monday, September 14, 2009 1:51 AM

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