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Heart, Blood and Circulatory System :
Anemia / Low Haemoglobin

Generally characterized by fatigue, breathlessness on exertion, palpitations, angina, and a desire to eat sand and clay, anemia is a condition wherein the body’s supply of iron to bone marrow falls dismally short of required levels. There are certain high-risk groups for anemia, such as pregnant women.

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Hi My dad is suffering from low haemoglobin levels it is presently 7.7 (he is 64 yrs old ) height 5 ft. 5 inches and weight 39 kgs ). What is the best diet for him??

Posted on : Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:23 AM
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Green leafy vegetables and dates, but need to check reason for anemia, could be an underlying ulcer or sometimes even cancer.

Replied on Thursday, March 6, 2008 11:32 AM
First of all one need to find the cause of your dad's anemia. Is your dad loosing weight? 39 Kg is too low for his height, age and sex. If this is a recent weight loss one must rule outany underlying medical cause of anemia including cancer before blaming it on malnutrition
Treatment should be guided by the objective findings. Your physician should see him i9n person and do a thorough physical exam and you should do things under his/her guidance.This is just a general advice. I assume no responsibility.
Replied on Saturday, January 31, 2009 12:31 AM
I am 24 year old male with weight of 72 Kg and height of 178 CM. I had problem of hemorrhoids in which piles used to bleed whenever I went to the loo.Now bleeding has stopped after 30-40 days, but I am feeling very weak now. So I consulted a physician and he referred me for blood test, which indicated that my Hemoglobin level was 5 g/dl Can you please suggest what should be done to increase the level?

Thanks in Advance

Replied on Monday, April 27, 2009 6:54 AM
Provide him the super food SPIRULINA. If you are interested in getting it just call me on 9272146811
Replied on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 2:09 PM
ask your doc about novaferrum liquid iron .. -- they sell it over the counter, it has a surprisingly good taste to it too and "it's not" made out of ferrous sulfate which I can't stand... hope this helps.
Replied on Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:03 PM

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