Along with the CNS, the LIVER suffers the most from alcohol consumption. Liver can handle only a certain amount of alcohol in any given time. When we drink quickly, our liver cells have to work overtime to process the alcohol. When this is more than the liver can deal with, the excess is transported to the rest of our organs.
Liver needs water to do its job. As alcohol acts as diuretic (makes us pass urine), it dehydrates and forces the liver to divert water from elsewhere.
When liver is processing alcohol, it produces a substance called ACETALDEHYDE which has a toxic effect on the liver itself, as well as the brain and stomach lining.
Not feeling any side effects from drinking does not mean we are not risking liver damage. Chances are that we will not feel anything happening until this most resilient organ of our body (LIVER) has had enough. And, when that happens, what we have are the conditions, not at all easy to be reversed, like fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Replied on Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:00 AM
Thanks for this informative post. It is a good time to start thinking about the importance of liver treatment with alternative medicines. After lots of clinical research and tests, it has been proved that Liv.52 leads to an improvement in the architecture of the liver. Hepatic function tests and needle biopsy specimens show a definite improvement in hepatocellular function and structure. Regular intake of Liv.52 guarantees an increase in the number of the total mass of functioning hepatocytes. Also, the liver enzymes return to normal levels following an increase in total proteins, albumin and hemoglobin.
We are direct resellers of Himalaya Liv 52 in Europe.Our website will provide a wealth of information, advice and recommendations on how you can improve your liver function using alternative medicines.
Replied on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:00 AM
 Alex.Gallagher (Guest)
Should I take it [Liv 52 - known as Livercare in USA] before or after consuming alcohol? My experience has been - it suits me better if I take it a few hours after consuming alcohol. Is it okay then for me to keep it that way?
Replied on Thursday, December 1, 2011 3:29 PM
My husband drinks an average of 12 cans of beer a day and has been doing it for 20 years now. His face is now is actually purple with many veins showing and he is yellow around the eyes and has developed a "beer gut". He vomits frequently in the morning and doesn't seem to have much energy at all. Also, his mind is not as sharp as before. He knows and admits he is an alcoholic, but will never quit drinking.
Are these symptoms indicative of Hepatitis Liver or still worse Cirrhosis? Do some people have more tolerance to alcohol and not develop cirrhosis?
Replied on Monday, June 21, 2010 12:00 AM
 Bhel27 (Guest)
My husband is a heavy drinker of whisky. He consume around 500ml of whisky a night and has been alcoholic for more than 10 yrs and is now suffering from liver disease. He starting noticing a pain in his liver area 4 weeks ago and now showing a jaundice or yellowing of his skin and eyes and so as his stool and urine. Are all these symptoms of a severe stage? I think he's got a hepatitis liver disease which worries me and my sons health. Is this contagious or transferrable if it is how? He completely stop drinking as soon as he starts to see the sign and symptoms and trying to eat more healthier food. For how long would he suffer this disease? And is it still possible to cure this?
Replied on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 2:51 AM
 odira (Guest)
hi, please do not mind my english.i had the liver alcohol for 2years.i drink alot of alcohol before untill,i had a fever and liver pains the doctor said i should chack my liver which is called l.f.t .so after the test the doctor discover all is not will.is abnormal for all{ALT} {AST} {GGT }{ALP} {ALB}it means my liver is not working will.i had a treatment in china for 2years nothing ,even the doctor is tired of me so i stop going there ,i think i will die ,because i send 4320usd for 2year i don't have money to spend any more.i start pray to god to save me.i stop taking alcohol for long,decide to stop eating oil food,fats,egg,bread,fride food and i stop eating fresh food such like fish,meats e.t.c i worriy so much even my stomach is pain me but i hope one day god will hear me .i start cooking my own food without oil,i useing dry things like dry fish ,fresh vegetables,onions,carrots,with maggi, creyfish,white rice,everyday one type of food and i drinking alot of water each 30mins,,i eat alot of fruits like apples,mango,popo,grape e.t.c i don't takeing oranges because i had a stomach pains.i drinking[ vitamin B complx ]and folic acid ]i giving my self alot of rest to help my liver to be strong.i stop to eat too much ,i eat alittle even if i hungry i eat alittle for 3months,believe me i want to test yesterday after my test the result is normal,i don't believe it, i want to another test is normal .my stomach is not paining me again i feeling good now for one week .the liver can healing by it self,i said to myself in is life again i will never drink alcohol even to make a friend that takes it never.add me for yahoo for more informations about it add me care your health my friend i can help you to tell thanks
Replied on Friday, February 3, 2012 2:53 AM